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Spreadsheet applications (sometimes referred to simply as spreadsheets) are computer programs that let you create and manipulate spreadsheets electronically. In a spreadsheet application, each value sits in a cell . You can define what type of data is in each cell and how different cell depend on one another. The relationships between cells are called formulas, and the names of the cells are called labels.

A table of values are arranged in rows and columns. Each value can have a predefined relationship to the other values. If you change one value, therefore you may need to change other value as well,  or they will change automatically.

Once you have defined the cells and the formulas for linking them together, you can enter your data.You can then modify selected values to see how all the other value change accordingly.

  • Excel 2010 is most popular spreadsheet program where you design your worksheet. 
  •  Intersection point of Row and Column is called Cell

Element of Electronic Spreadsheet 

  •  Workbook
  •  Worksheet 
  •  Chartsheet 
  •  Row
  •  Column
  •  Cell 
  •  Formula
  •  Function 


A workbook is a collection of many worksheets . In a single workbook, you can store information in an organized manner. By default, a workbook opens with three worksheets and it can contain a maximum of 255 worksheets.


A worksheet is a sheet made up of rows and columns . It is used for planning a project or financial documents of an organization . Worksheet refers to the actual document you create by using the spreadsheet. A worksheet is always stored in  a workbook.


Chartsheet is a separate sheet in a workbook that contain only graphs or charts. It is useful when you want to see a chart or tabular data separated from other types of data.


 A row is a horizontal block of cells that runs through the entire width of the worksheet. The rows are numbered from top to bottom along the left edge of the worksheet. The First row is numbered 1and the last row end upon 1,048,576 rows and 16,384 columns in Excel 2010 worksheet.


A column is a vertical block of the cells that runs through the entire worksheet. A worksheet contains 16,384,(A to XFD ) columns. The first Column is A and second is B and so on . The Last column of the worksheet, XFD is the 16,384th column .


A cell is the intersection of a row and a column.  For example,  the uppermost cell is A1 (column A, row 1 ). In worksheet in which cell you work that cell is called"Active Cell "


Formula are equation that perform calculation on values in your worksheet .It is an order of values, names, cell reference, functions and operators in a cell that together give a new values. A formula always begins with =(equal) sign.


Functions are pre-defined formulas or programs that perform calculations in excel o specific values , called arguments. Each function takes specific types of arguments such as numbers, references , text or logical values.

Here I discussed about Excel .Excel is the one of the vast part of Microsoft Office Suit . I give you each and every solution to learn it yourself without any help when you read my blog one by one I create Excel Blog in Various part for easy learning .

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